
Niels Boissonnet

PhD candidate

Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

preferences formation unawareness rationality beliefs dynamics


The main part of my work is dedicated to building a theory of how awareness changes can yield preference changes. To elaborate such a theory I mix philosophical investigations with the axiomatic approach used by decision theorists. In order to turn my research on preference formation into a more empirical analysis, I am planning to develop my skill in machine learning, notably recommendation algorithms.

I am also interested in three topics that are more or less related to preference formation. The first is unawareness and the way it may affect beliefs dynamics both in games and in single agent choices context. The second is network theory and the way it can shape cultural mixing. The third consists of applying a beliefs manipulation framework to analyze a government’s decision to disclose or not the existence of a terrorist threat to public opinion.

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