
Thomas Delcey

Maitre de conférence

Université de Bourgogne, LEDI

Histoire de l'économie financière Histoire quantitative Méthodologie de l'économie

À propos

Mes recherches portent sur les origines et l’émergence de l’économie financière.

J’utilise des données qualitatives (archives privées et administratives, histoire orale) et des données quantitatives (analyse bibliométrique et text mining).

Liens externes



  • Delcey, T., & Noblet, G. (2024). The Making of Informational Efficiency: Information Policy and Theory in Interwar Agricultural Economics. History of Political Economy, Forthcoming.


  • Delcey, T., & Sergi, F. (2023). The Efficient Market Hypothesis and Rational Expectations. How Did They Meet and Live (Happily?) Ever After. European Journal of History of Economic Thought, 30(1).


  • Colin, N., & Delcey, T. (2020). When Efficient Market Hypothesis Meets Hayek on information, Beyond a Methodological Reading, . Journal of Economic Methodology, 27(2).

  • Delcey, T. (2020). Book Review "Claire Lemercier and Claire Zalc, Quantitative Methods in the Humanities. An Introduction". Œconomia, 10(4).


  • Delcey, T. (2019). Samuelson vs Fama on the Efficient Market Hypothesis: The Point of View of Expertise. Œconomia, 9(1), 37–58.